Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October the Grey

Making popcorn to help me eat away my financial woes. I hate being responsible sometimes. Every spare dime, nickel or dirty little penny I have seems to be sucked up by my bloody mortgage and I've been subsisting on potatoes and the random bag of vegetables my grandma gave me which mostly consists of cabbage. Who outside of Russia eats cabbage?? I don't know what the hell to even do with it. But at least now I have popcorn~which gives me some sort of nutrition I suppose. Oh yah~thanks for the butter mom. I stole it out of your fridge while you were in the shower.


  1. Steamed cabbage with some of that butter you stole from your mommy would taste yummy. Trust me.

    Aunt Stink

  2. Oh, and Lish, if you get a chance you should stop by my blog for a visit. It's at

